Lots of places! Besides hospital, care facilities and homes, I also meet people in public spaces, restaurants, libraries, coffee houses, etc. around Eugene and Springfield. I also travel north to Junction City and Harrisburg, west to Veneta, south to Creswell and Cottage Grove. We just need to find a time that works for everyone!
Make sure each signer has their government-issued ID (Driver License, State ID card, Passport, etc), not expired more than three years at the ready. The signature and identifying information about each signer must be recorded into the notary’s journal.
I can notarize any document you have, however currently I have not undergone NSA training so stay away from house loan or mortgage signings. Other than that, I should be able to help you with any document you have.
Yes – in the State of Oregon at least 2 witnesses are usually present to witness your signature. I have also notarized Wills that call for 3 witnesses. I cannot advise on how many Witnesses you use, but look at your document to see what it requires. If you have an attorney please contact them with all of your legal questions. “Best practice” for Wills or any document is that Witnesses not have any potential conflict of interest – however, I am not an attorney and cannot advise on who your Witnesses should be.
Yes. Most Will language will state that everyone (Testator, Notary and Witnesses) be in the room at the same time so that everyone can see all parties sign the document.
An I-9 does not require notarization, but I can act as the Authorized Representative and sign off verifying that your Identification documents are authentic at the request of your employer.
Unfortunately things sometimes happen which prevent a notarization. In these instances, my travel fee is still due, although no notarial fee would be charged of course.
I am not an attorney and therefore can offer no legal counsel regarding type of document, type of notarial certificate to use, or how to fill out your document. Please contact an attorney for advice on these issues before I arrive. I do have links to several legal form sites on my website – https://www.leahseugenenotary.com/legal-resources – and you can use that to get started looking for the document you need!
Since I am not an attorney, that would be giving advice I am not qualified to give. You will need to contact an attorney with specific questions about any document or form that you have. There are many different areas of law and even attorneys are not qualified to give advice in an area they are not familiar with, so you will need to contact the appropriate attorney for your situation.